Top 5 Websites to Create a Blog for Free

Today content is the king and blogging being the basic has come a long way now. People have taken this up as a hobby as well as their profession. It is a very good way to express opinions and establish a presence online. It helps in connecting with people and sharing thoughts.There are a lot of paid and free blogging websites where you can create your content. This article gives the list of best blog websites where you can create your content for free.

1. WordPress tops the list of free blogging websites. It is a free platform where you can write your own blogs. WordPress today has a share of 30 percent in the content market on the internet. It is very flexible and user-friendly and gives full control to the users on social media as well. There are more than 54,000 WordPress plugins to enhance the functionality of the user. The full ownership is given to the writer and the mobile-friendly templates/ themes give a better visual appeal too.

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WordPress is an open-source platform and thus can be used by anyone. But if you want to add more plugins or themes then a paid version is also available at a very low price. It is the best content solution for business blogs, online business, and professional bloggers.


On this platform, you can easily sign in with your email id and start for content writing. This was founded in 2012 and is very popular among writers, bloggers, and journalists. In this social media features are also present which means that people can like or comment on other people content.

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It has great user experience and the content can be embed from other services also like Youtube, Twitter, etc. This platform is totally free and focuses on the content only.


This site was founded in 1999 and has been in this content work for a long time now. It was then acquired by Google in 2003. You can easily sign up with your existing Google Account and it is free of cost. The total set up only takes a few minutes.

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Mobile-friendly templates are available for convenient use. The unique feature provided by this is the tracking and anti-comment span measurements. Integration with Google drive is also possible. The user need not take care of the hosting, maintenance or any other technicalities.


The list of best blog websites will be incomplete if is not mentioned. This is a microblogging platform for smaller content.It actually lies in between WordPress and Twitter. It is a free platform and is user-friendly.

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There is a very convenient option of publishing multimedia with content like videos, GIFs, images, and audio. If any third-party themes and apps are required, then you can have optional costs also for this type of customization.

5. is a very easy to use platform where you can drag and drop everything. It has mobile-friendly templates and themes for convenience. It has a strong integration with Google Analytics which helps in enhancing the SEO feature also.

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This platform is suitable for naive bloggers with no technical knowledge. Paid versions are also available at nominal prices for advanced features.

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