Are you planning to build your company’s website very soon? If the reply is yes, then choosing the right web hosting service is quite important for you as well. But, again choosing the right web hosting service is not as easy as it may sound.
Even if you are tech-savvy, you may not have the right understanding of choosing an appropriate web hosting service for you. But, all these factors will only make you feel more daunted and confused at the same time.
Currently, two of the most potential web hosting platforms are Bluehost and that of HostGator.
Although, they may appear similar, but the services provided by each of them have a clear difference between each other. Bluehost vs Hostgator
The following write-up will hopefully get you a clear idea that how these two web hosting services have been compared, in terms of services, price options as well feasibility.
After you will finish reading it, you will also be able to find out easily which option is better for you to choose.
Bluehost vs Hostgator comparison will get you a clear idea, in terms of services, price options as well feasibility of these two web hosting services.
Table of Contents
Comparison in terms of Advantages and Disadvantages
To begin with, both Bluehost and HostGator have a number of advantages as well as disadvantages.
What are those advantages and disadvantages that each of the platforms has, needs to be clarified to you, or else you won’t be able to understand that whether to choose Bluehost or HostGator as your sole web hosting platform?
Bluehost: Advantages
- It offers you a free domain
- Bluehost also offers their services against affordable price options
- It has been considered as one of the best web hosting service provider for WordPress Integration
- A user-friendly web hosting service for users of all kinds, right from a tech-savvy to an aspiring web developer to that of an amateur website builder

Bluehost: Disadvantages
- A lot of add-on options pop up on the screen when you are hooked up with Bluehost. This in return, will increase the value of the service charge which you need to pay for your service
- Relatively less feasible customer care service as compared to others
HostGator: Advantages
- Considered as one of the top web hosting service providers amongst its competitors
- It provides you a feasible customer care support
- HostGator also provides you a superb uptime, reaching an extent of 99.99%.
- This particular web hosting service is also apt for people who are quite new in the world of web.
- It provides you their service against affordable price options.
HostGator: Disadvantages
- The interface that it provides is a bit intricate and somewhat doesn’t keep up with the current trend of technology
- HostGator also doesn’t provide its customers the facility of free domain
Bluehost vs Hostgator in terms of Uptime
When it comes to providing feasible uptimes, both Bluehost and HostGator go hand in hand, although Bluehost lags behind in terms of the speed at 99.98% while HostGator becomes the winner at a speed of 99.99%.
However, if you are looking for a 100% speed from any of these Webhosting providers it would be a little hard to get that.
But, both of them are trying their level best to provide the best uptime service according to their individual capacities.
The information given about the uptime factor is worth taking into consideration, especially for business professionals.

If you are running a business that too through an authentic website, you can’t afford to keep your clients waiting for hours because your website remains down all the time.
However, if you avail the service either from Bluehost or HostGator to build your website, you can enhance the uptime of your website reasonably, thereby, garnering more of the client base for your business.
Bluehost vs Hostgator in terms of feasibility, features, and performance
Both Bluehost and HostGator stand out from each other in many ways. Where Bluehost provides a free domain for its users, HostGator doesn’t.
However, both the web hosting service providers do not provide any backups while getting its users unlimited disk space.

Besides, both the web hosting platforms also provide you the facility of unmetered transfer and both of them also consist of a user-friendly cPanel for their users to avail.
So, these were some of the features which somewhat differentiate both these web hosting platforms like Bluehost and HostGator. Although Bluehost provides a free domain, you will have to pay the registration fees for that.
This will get you the facility of a separate domain name which will remain valid for the next one year to transfer and manage your data files effectively.
Bluehost also wins over HostGator for it is way more organized and advanced as compared to Host Gator.
Bluehost vs Hostgator in terms of Customer Support Service
When a person hosts his/her website through any of these web hosting platforms i.e. Bluehost or HostGator, they can be assured that they have got the right platform to boost up their website in the world of business.
But, at times when your website is not functioning well, you may feel a bit daunted while managing the tasks all by yourself. Both, Bluehost and HostGator go hand in hand in terms of providing feasible customer service.
Here are some of the imperative services which you can expect from both the platforms.
- Both the Bluehost and HostGator provide the facility of ticket submission via their customer support portal, in case any issue cannot be resolved through advice over a call.
- When it comes to providing 24/7 customer care support, both the platforms provide equally feasible services.
- You can go for a live chat session with either Bluehost or HostGator in case if you have any queries or complaints regarding their service. Besides you will get this particular facility both from Bluehost and HostGator on around the clock basis
- If you are availing the services of either Bluehost or HostGator, you will see that each of them has a provision of a knowledge center wherein you can put across your question and get its answer instantly at that point of time. This saves a lot of your time, which you would otherwise have to waste in talking to them over a call.

Although, may seem almost similar, but Bluehost provides much more user-friendly and convenient services as compared to HostGator.
It provides much faster and streamlined services to its customers, be it attending the customers’ calls, answering their questions promptly or getting customized services according to the individual needs of each.
On the contrary, HostGator is a bit slow and takes a relatively greater amount of time in processing each of your requests and queries effectively.
But, as already mentioned above that both Bluehost and HostGator get you the facility of a ticket submission via which you can get any of your doubt or queries clarified, this particular service is provided by only HostGator now as compared to Bluehost as the latter has already stopped resolving its customers’ facility via this particular facility.
The only reason behind this is, Bluehost is trying to make its support media a lot more advanced and feasible than before.
Bluehost vs Hostgator in terms of Service Charges
When it comes to the service charges of Bluehost and HostGator, HostGator undoubtedly remains ahead than Bluehost in terms of affordability.
The monthly service charge of Bluehost is $19.99/month whereas HostGator charges $2.75 on a per month basis.
So, let’s have a quick look at some of the other services provided by Bluehost and HostGator and the individual price options allotted for each of them:
- Dedicated Hosting : $79.99 – $209.99 (Bluehost) and $119 – $149 (HostGator)
- VPS Hosting: $19.99 – $59.99 (Bluehost) and $19.95 – $24.95 (HostGator)
- WordPress Hosting: $19.99 – $49.99 (Bluehost) and $5.95 – $9.95 (HostGator)
- Cloud Hosting: $6.95-$25.99 (Bluehost) and $4.95 – $9.95(HostGator)
- Shared Hosting: $2.95 – $14.99 (Bluehost) and $2.75 – $5.95(HostGator)
You must also know that both Bluehost and HostGator get you the facility of a money-back guarantee. However, both platforms are offering two different time-frames for getting your money back from them.
Bluehost is providing a period of 30 days whereas HostGator is providing a period of 45 days respectively.

This particular service is only applicable to their VPS, shared as well as hosting packages. Besides, both Bluehost and HostGator offer affordable offers but that too specifically on their long-term plans.
Say, for instance, both Bluehost and HostGator are offering a 75% discount on their 36 monthly plans.

Final Thoughts!
So, hopefully, by now, you have understood quite well in what ways both Bluehost and HostGator are similar as well as dissimilar from each other.
Both the web hosting platforms are booming in the world of web development now, and have hosted millions of websites all across the globe so far.
Although, both the platforms are more or less similar in terms of service, when you read through the given information, you will get a clear idea that how these services are provided differently both by Bluehost as well as HostGator.
Now that you are aware of the nitty-gritty of both Bluehost and HostGator, it’s up to you which one you will choose as your one and only web hosting platform.
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